Wednesday, July 15, 2009

[akU bosan dgn hidUp ini]

ak MARAH..ak bEngang..

akU akU x tau ak nk lEpas kt manE...

akU tEnsion dgn hidUp ini....

kalO lah akU dE duit..da lamE ak dissapEar dr dunia ni..

plg x akU duk kat bulan kE...

or kat marikh or planEt plutO...

x kEsah r....asal x dE hidUpn laEn sElain ak...

akU bosan ngan masalah....

akU bosan ngan rasE bersalah....

argh....akU rasE cam akU nk mati jE saat ni...

biar sumE nyE aman...

akU x yah adE rasE ni lagi...

[nEw sOul]

"I'm a new soul I came to this strange world hoping

I could learn a bit about how to give and take.

But since I came here

Felt the joy and the fear

Finding myself making every possible mistake

I'm a young soul in this very strange world hoping

I could learn a bit about what is true and fake.

But why all this hate?

Try to communicate.

Finding trust and love is not always easy to make.

This is a happy end cause' you don't understand

everything you have done why's everything so wrong

This is a happy end come and give me your hand I'll take your far away.

1 comment:

wirda said...

tengkn ati kmu ya zetty..
pasti BISA(ku x bisa..hehe) hadapi apa pon..